If you are considering abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, make sure you get the facts about your pregnancy first. Did you know it’s possible to get a positive pregnancy test days or even weeks after a miscarriage?

You need to verify if your pregnancy is developing or if you have miscarried. That’s just one step to take before you consider an abortion. Keep reading to learn about all three.

1. Verify Your Pregnancy

An ultrasound is the easiest way to get the facts about your pregnancy. An ultrasound answers three critical questions:

  • Is your pregnancy developing, or have you had a miscarriage?
  • How many weeks have you been pregnant?
  • Is the pregnancy developing in your uterus, or is it ectopic?

You May Not Be Pregnant

Experts estimate that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. The majority of those occur in the first 12 weeks. Because a woman’s body takes time to return to pre-pregnancy hormone levels, it’s possible to get a positive test result days or sometimes weeks after a miscarriage.

The Number of Weeks You’ve Been Pregnant Determines the Procedure

Do you know the day you got pregnant? Even if your monthly cycle is regular, ovulation (when you can get pregnant) varies. Abortion providers determine the abortion method they use depending on the number of weeks you’ve been pregnant. The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs (the abortion pill) through 10 weeks of pregnancy only.

The Location of Your Pregnancy Matters

Although rare, some pregnancies form outside the uterus. These pregnancies are called ectopic. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous and can be life-threatening.

2. Get Abortion Details

Oklahoma banned abortion unless it’s necessary to save the life of the mother. This means you have to travel or order the two abortion pill drugs online. The FDA does not recommend ordering abortion drugs online.

Knowing the number of weeks you’ve been pregnant is vital because the farther along you are, the less effective the drugs are.

Because you perform the abortion at home alone, you should also be aware of side effects and potential risks. Some women report a lot of bleeding and horrible contractions. Other side effects include possible fever, diarrhea, and headache.

Potential risks include an incomplete abortion, severe bleeding, and psychological or emotional consequences.

3. Learn About Your Other Options

You do have two other options. Abortion isn’t your only choice when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Your other options include making an adoption plan or choosing to parent.

Making an Adoption Plan

Many myths surround adoption. Today, an expectant mother makes all the decisions. She places her child with the loving two-parent couple she’s carefully selected to raise her child. Depending on how much contact she wishes to have with her child and their family, she can begin building a relationship immediately.

Choosing to Parent

If you choose to parent, you will be amazed at the amount of support available. Charis Center offers no-cost classes on everything from prenatal health to childbirth and beyond. As you complete classes, you earn points to “shop” in our Baby Boutique for diapers, baby clothes, strollers, car seats, etc.

How Charis Center Helps You

First of all, schedule a confidential appointment today. A nurse will administer a no-cost pregnancy test and schedule you for a no-cost limited ultrasound if the test is positive. The ultrasound will give you the pregnancy facts you need.

Although we do not perform or refer for abortions, we can give you the facts about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. Plus, we can take a look at your other options.

Come to Charis Center. We understand your struggle, and we’re here to help.