Men can be overlooked during a partner’s pregnancy. If this applies to you, know you aren’t alone.

Though your partner is the one who’s pregnant and ultimately makes the decision, you play a bigger role than you think. Determine how to support her best and identify whether you’ll make the decision together.

Follow the tips below to get started. And remember that you have a voice here at Charis Center. We care about your well-being, too.

Evaluate the Situation

You and your partner may have a strong relationship. Or perhaps you’re struggling. An unplanned pregnancy can throw things for a loop and make you feel unsure about the future.

First, take a step back and allow yourself time to process the news. Your partner is likely just as shocked as you are, so give her space as well. Speaking about the situation with loved ones can help you express your feelings, but remember this is your partner’s pregnancy.

Identify How You Can Help

If you participate in this pregnancy, you have a responsibility to be present. This is a challenging situation, but speaking with your partner about how you can be supportive shows maturity.

Whether she wants you to attend doctor’s appointments or simply be a listening ear, your presence matters. An unplanned pregnancy can feel isolating, and your help lightens the load.

Moving Forward

As your partner weighs her options, learn your involvement in this process. She may want help learning or options, or there may be one she’s focusing on.

This can be a stressful time for you both. Perhaps you disagree with her intended pregnancy decision. Speak with your partner openly and honestly about your opinions. There may be another option, like parenting, she hadn’t considered—especially if she doesn’t know your thoughts.

Take Care of Yourself, Too

An unplanned pregnancy is often a time filled with tense moments and questioning. Though you aren’t pregnant, taking care of yourself is crucial.

Whether that’s spending time with friends, sharing your feelings with a licensed counselor, or doing things you enjoy, grounding yourself is an important part of this process. Your voice, opinions, and mental health all matter.

We Will Be There for You, Too

Charis Center knows it can feel difficult (or even impossible) for men to reach out. You might feel embarrassed or even worried about how others will react.

We’re here for you with nonjudgmental information and resources. We offer one-on-one mentoring services, options information, and more with our male coaches.

And if you’re an expectant father, our classes and material support are for you, too. You won’t be forgotten.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help. We’re with you.