There are a lot of questions that run through your mind when you think you may be pregnant. What will people think? Am I ready to be a parent? What should I do?

Before the questions and what if’s run away with you, it’s important to find out if you are really pregnant. Charis Center provides lab-grade pregnancy tests to help you determine if you are pregnant. Charis Center is located 1700 W. Jones Avenue in Duncan, and provides pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and educational classes to southwest Oklahoma. All services are confidential and provided at no cost.

Free Pregnancy Test Near Me

While home pregnancy tests are generally reliable, they must be purchased, taken at the right time, and used correctly. Charis Center’s pregnancy tests are administered by a registered nurse who can interpret the results, answer your questions and help you prepare for the next steps.

Women suspecting they may be pregnant can visit Charis Center as a walk-in, but scheduling an appointment is recommended to minimize your wait time. We are open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


After your pregnancy is confirmed with a pregnancy test, the next step is an ultrasound. An ultrasound provides information about the pregnancy including when the baby was conceived, which helps you know when you became pregnant and when the baby will be due.

Your ultrasound may happen the same day as your pregnancy test, but often, it is scheduled for another day. Ultrasounds are most accurate when performed after 6 weeks.

Pregnancy Options

After a positive pregnancy test and ultrasound, a Charis Center nurse will explain your options and help you understand what is happening medically and what will come next.

Charis Center offers Empowered Parenting classes to help expectant parents prepare for their baby. Participation in these classes earn parents Baby Bucks they can use to shop in our Baby Boutique. The Baby Boutique includes items like cribs, car seats, strollers, clothing, diapers and more. Parents can continue to take Empowered Parenting classes, and earn Baby Bucks, for 18 months after their baby’s birth.

We understand that some individuals and couples may not feel ready to parent. Pregnancy is life changing. Before making any decisions, get a professional pregnancy test from a licensed medical professional at Charis Center. Call us at 580-786-6000 or text us at 405-757-4673.