Only you can decide what option is best for your unplanned pregnancy. Choosing what to do is one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. No matter your choice, we want you to know we are here for you.

If you are wondering which option is best, we can help you. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion or place children for adoption, we can give you the information you need to help you make a confident decision.

Should I Choose Abortion?

Like all of your options, having an abortion is a very personal choice. By learning as much as possible about your pregnancy and abortion, you will have the knowledge you need to decide.

Oklahoma banned abortion with one exception, which is to save the life or health of the pregnant woman. A 72-hour waiting period is required after a counseling session to receive an abortion.

The Mayo Clinic says it best, “Having a medical abortion is a major decision with emotional and psychological consequences. If you’re considering this procedure, make sure you understand what it entails, side effects, possible risks, complications and alternatives.”

A medical abortion (or medication abortion) refers to the abortion pill method. It uses two drugs to terminate a pregnancy.

The FDA has approved the use of abortion pill drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last menstrual period). Patients can only receive these drugs in person, according to state law.

Abortion providers often perform surgical abortions later in pregnancy. How far along you are determines the surgical procedure you receive. These procedures usually involve local or general anesthesia and the dilation (opening) of your cervix (which leads to the uterus).

Risks can include an incomplete abortion, heavy and prolonged bleeding, damage to the cervix or uterus, and infection.

Should I Choose Adoption?

Many myths surround adoption, and having the correct information is essential if you’re considering this option.  Placing your child for adoption is a difficult decision to make, but in many circumstances, it means you are thinking about the needs of your child first.

Choosing an adoption agency or coordinator who values thorough adoption counseling is essential. You need to understand the adoption process and your rights as the expectant or birth mother completely.

Adoption has changed dramatically over the last few decades. If you select an open or semi-open adoption plan, you choose the potential adoptive couple for your child.

Do you want them to be the oldest or have immediate siblings? Should they live on a farm or in the city? You direct your child’s future by picking the perfect adoptive family.

Making an adoption plan costs you nothing. In Oklahoma, an expectant mother can receive court-approved living expenses such as rent, utilities, medical and legal costs, and emotional support services. We can also provide you with pregnancy verification to apply for SoonerCare or Medicaid.

How Can Charis Center Help Me?

First, we want you to know you do not have to make this decision alone. We are here for you. No one can legally force you or coerce you to make one choice over another. You are free to choose what is best for you, and we will support you no matter what choice you make.

Schedule an appointment with one of our caring client advocates to discuss your situation. If you haven’t confirmed your pregnancy, take advantage of our no-cost pregnancy services. Your well-being is our first priority.